原子弹幸存者敦促日本首相加入核禁试条约, Atomic bomb survivors urge Japan's PM to join nuclear ban treaty, but get noncommittal response.
一群原子弹爆炸幸存者和诺贝尔和平奖得主Nihon Hidankyo会见了日本首相石渊石巴,敦促日本加入或遵守联合国禁止核试验条约。 Nihon Hidankyo, a group of atomic bomb survivors and Nobel Peace Prize winners, met with Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba to urge Japan to join or observe the U.N. nuclear ban treaty. Ishiba承认他们的努力,但对日本的参与没有承诺,并提到需要针对区域威胁进行自卫。 Ishiba acknowledged their efforts but was noncommittal about Japan's participation, citing the need for self-defense against regional threats. 该集团表示失望,因为这次会议没有在其主要问题上产生结果。 The group expressed disappointment as the meeting did not yield results on their main issue.