SGI支持在奥斯陆举办核裁军论坛,参加者包括幸存者和诺贝尔和平奖后获奖者。 SGI supports a forum on nuclear disarmament in Oslo, featuring survivors and laureates post-Nobel Peace Prize.
国际创价学会(Soka Gakkai International,简称SGI)将于12月10日为日本讲坛会(Nihon Hidankyo)举行颁奖典礼后,支持在挪威奥斯陆举行的诺贝尔和平奖论坛暨青年对话活动。 Soka Gakkai International (SGI) will support a Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Youth Dialogue in Oslo, Norway, following the December 10 award ceremony for Nihon Hidankyo. 论坛题为“Nukes:如何应对威胁”,将有13位发言者参加,其中包括原子弹爆炸幸存者和诺贝尔奖获得者,目的是激发全球核裁军对话,特别是青年之间的对话。 The forum, titled "Nukes: How to Counter the Threat," will feature 13 speakers including atomic bomb survivors and Nobel laureates, aiming to inspire global dialogue on nuclear disarmament, especially among youth. SGI还在奥斯陆大学组织与幸存者的青年对话。 SGI also organizes a Youth Dialogue with survivors at the University of Oslo.