怀尔斯(Susie Wiles)是白宫首任女性参谋长, Susie Wiles, first female White House Chief of Staff, aims to run Trump’s second term with efficiency and unity.
Susie Wiles是第一位担任白宫总参谋长的女性,她的目标是管理一个无戏剧性的特朗普政府。 Susie Wiles, the first woman to be White House Chief of Staff, aims to run a drama-free Trump administration. 她希望避免内部冲突,注重高效率的行动,包括雇用忠诚和称职的工作人员和规划头100天的工作。 She wants to avoid internal conflicts and focus on efficient operations, including hiring loyal and competent staff and planning for the first 100 days. Wiles强调团队精神,目的是防止前一届政府经常看到的干扰。 Wiles emphasizes teamwork and aims to prevent disruptions often seen in the previous administration. Trump在2024年的成功竞选中,她功劳卓著,现在将主持他的第二个任期。 She is credited with Trump's successful 2024 campaign and will now manage his second term.