前总统特朗普任命文斯·海利领导白宫国内政策理事会。 Former President Trump appoints Vince Haley to lead the White House Domestic Policy Council.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普已任命文斯·海利领导白宫国内政策理事会。 Former President Donald Trump has appointed Vince Haley to lead the White House Domestic Policy Council. Haley以在特朗普的竞选活动中扮演的角色著名,并担任第一任期的演讲稿撰写人,现在他将监督和协调政府的国内政策。 Haley, known for his role in Trump's campaign and first term as a speechwriter, will now oversee and coordinate the administration's domestic policies. 国内政策理事会负责在联邦各机构执行总统的议程。 The Domestic Policy Council is responsible for implementing the president's agenda across federal agencies.