被选为特朗普白宫新闻秘书的卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)在国会大厦骚乱后删除了赞扬彭斯的旧帖子。 Karoline Leavitt, picked as Trump's White House press secretary, deletes old posts praising Pence after Capitol riot.
卡罗琳·利维特 (Karoline Leavitt) 被选为唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump) 的白宫新闻秘书,在2021年国会大暴动后删除了赞扬副总统迈克·斯 (Mike Pence) 和国会大警察的社交媒体帖子. Karoline Leavitt, picked to be Donald Trump's White House press secretary, deleted social media posts praising Vice President Mike Pence and a Capitol Police officer after the 2021 Capitol riot. Leavitt当时23岁,后来成为拒绝选举者,2022年竞选国会未获成功。 Leavitt, who was 23 at the time, later became an election denier and ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2022. 她从支持民主进程转向拒绝选举,可能会在担任新角色时受到仔细审查。 Her shift from supporting the democratic process to election denial may draw scrutiny as she takes on her new role.