Trump任命Steven 张为通讯主任,Sergio Gor为人事主任。 Trump appoints Steven Cheung as Communications Director and Sergio Gor as Personnel Director.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普已任命史蒂夫·张为白宫通信主任,塞尔吉奥·戈尔为总统人事办公室主任。 President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Steven Cheung as White House Communications Director and Sergio Gor as Director of the Presidential Personnel Office. 以战斗风格而闻名的张祥 2016年起担任特朗普的通讯角色 Cheung, known for his combative style, has served in communications roles for Trump since 2016. 高尔,小唐纳德·特朗普的生意伙伴 领导了一个支持特朗普的超级PAC 并在森·兰德·保罗的办公室工作 Gor, a business partner of Donald Trump Jr., led a pro-Trump super PAC and worked in Sen. Rand Paul's office. 特朗普称赞两人都是受信任的顾问 Trump praised both as trusted advisors.