研究发现,有朋友使用大麻的青少年使用大麻的几率是使用大麻的十倍,这突出了父母的影响。 Study finds teens with friends using cannabis are ten times more likely to use it, highlighting parental influence.
爱尔兰最近对4 400多名青少年进行的一项研究发现,那些有朋友使用大麻的人自己使用大麻的可能性高出十倍。 A recent study in Ireland of over 4,400 teenagers found that those with friends who use cannabis are ten times more likely to use it themselves. 认为受同伴压力需要适应的青少年使用大麻的几率几乎是使用大麻的两倍,认为其父母对使用大麻持矛盾态度的青少年使用大麻的几率几乎是使用大麻的四倍。 Teenagers who felt peer pressure to fit in were almost twice as likely to use cannabis, and those believing their parents were ambivalent towards cannabis use were nearly four times more likely to use it. 研究表明,父母的态度和监督在预防青少年使用大麻方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 The study suggests parental attitudes and supervision play a critical role in preventing cannabis use among adolescents.