联合王国的一份报告强调了严重的毒品危机,将吸毒成瘾与不断上升的犯罪联系起来,并倡导政策变革。 A UK report highlights a severe drug crisis, linking addiction to rising crime and advocating for policy changes.
联合王国社会正义中心的一份新报告强调了日益恶化的毒品危机,过去十年中与毒品有关的死亡人数几乎翻了一番。 A new report by the UK's Centre for Social Justice highlights a worsening drug crisis, with drug-related deaths nearly doubling in the last decade. Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith主张更严格地制定禁毒法, 宣称大麻合法化可能导致24%的年轻人尝试大麻, Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith argues for stricter drug laws, claiming legalization of cannabis could lead 24% of young adults to try the drug, potentially increasing addiction rates. 报告还发现,30多万人因吸食海洛因和快克可卡因而成瘾,几乎占所有定时犯罪的一半。 The report also finds that over 300,000 people addicted to heroin and crack cocaine are responsible for almost half of all acquisitive crimes. 报告指出,现行政策无效,需要转向预防和戒毒。 It suggests that current policies are ineffective and calls for a shift towards prevention and addiction recovery.