研究者将类疹病毒与阿尔茨海默氏病联系起来,提出了新的治疗途径。 Researchers link herpes virus to Alzheimer's, suggesting a new path for treatment.
最近的一项研究将类疹简单病毒1(HSV-1)与阿尔茨海默氏病联系起来。 A recent study links herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) to Alzheimer's disease. 研究人员在阿尔茨海默氏病患者的大脑中发现了与HSV-1有关的蛋白质,这表明病毒感染可能对疾病的发展起到一定作用。 Researchers found HSV-1-related proteins in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, suggesting viral infections might play a role in the disease's development. 该研究还表明,在阿尔茨海默氏病中经常有害的Tau蛋白最初保护大脑免受HSV-1的伤害,但后来又造成大脑损伤。 The study also indicates that the tau protein, which is often harmful in Alzheimer's, initially protects the brain from HSV-1 but later contributes to brain damage. 这种发现可能导致针对感染和大脑免疫反应的新疗法。 This discovery could lead to new treatments targeting infections and the brain's immune response.