PACMAT团队向253名受地震影响的瓦努阿图居民提供医疗和心理健康支助。 PACMAT team provides medical and mental health support to 253 earthquake-affected Vanuatu residents.
PACMAT是Pasifika医疗协会的一个医疗队,在瓦努阿图逗留了11天,在7.3级地震后提供医疗和心理健康支助。 PACMAT, a medical team from the Pasifika Medical Association, has been in Vanuatu for 11 days, offering medical and mental health support after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. 他们帮助了253人,包括228人接受了一般医疗检查,135人得到了精神保健。 They have helped 253 people, including 228 who received general medical checks and 135 who got mental health care. 大多数心理健康病例(44%)与地震创伤有关,许多得到支助的病例(75%)来自农村地区。 Most mental health cases (44%) are related to earthquake trauma, and many of those supported (75%) are from rural areas. 该小组致力于向瓦努阿图提供持续援助。 The team is committed to ongoing assistance in Vanuatu.