瓦努阿图遭受强烈地震的打击,随着澳大利亚人开始返回,恢复变得复杂。 Vanuatu hit by strong earthquake, complicating recovery as Australians start returning.
瓦努阿图又遭受一次强烈地震袭击,使该国最近发生的地震问题雪上加霜。 Vanuatu has been struck by another strong earthquake, adding to the country's recent seismic troubles. 地震是影响太平洋岛国的一系列震动中的最新地震。 The quake is the latest in a series of tremors that have affected the Pacific island nation. 同时,由于前几次地震而疏散的澳大利亚人开始返回家园。 Meanwhile, Australians who were evacuated due to the earlier quakes are starting to return home.