一半以上的美国房客将收入的30%以上花在住房上,扩大了负担能力的差距。 Over half of U.S. renters spend more than 30% of their income on housing, widening the affordability gap.
根据最近的人口普查数据,美国一半的租户现在将收入的30%以上花在住房上。 Half of US renters now spend over 30% of their income on housing, according to recent Census data. 这是一个影响低收入美国人的日益严重的问题,特别是在传统负担得起的州,例如内华达州和佛罗里达州。 This represents a growing issue affecting low-income Americans, particularly in traditionally affordable states like Nevada and Florida. 这一趋势扩大了残疾人、照料者和老年人的差距,黑人、西班牙裔和太平洋岛民家庭的种族差异很大。 The trend has widened the gap for those with disabilities, caretakers, and older adults, with significant racial disparities affecting Black, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander households.