马尼托巴省为教师的纪律记录建立了在线登记制度,以提高透明度。 Manitoba introduces online registry for teachers' disciplinary records to enhance transparency.
马尼托巴省现在允许公众使用网上登记册,详细记录教师和学校临床医生的纪律记录,显示认证状况和任何暂停或禁止的情况。 Manitoba now allows public access to an online registry detailing disciplinary records for teachers and school clinicians, showing certification status and any suspensions or bans. 该登记册于2025年1月启动,涵盖1960年至今的专业人员,根据该省《教育管理法》修正案颁布。 Launched in January 2025, this registry covers professionals from 1960 to present and was enacted under amendments to the province's Education Administration Act. 该系统由独立的教育专员Bobbi Taillefer监督,确保审查透明可靠。 The system is overseen by an independent education commissioner, Bobbi Taillefer, ensuring transparent and reliable reviews.