3月25日前, 若记录未更新, 安大略超过2,800名未接种疫苗的学生被停学。 Schools suspend over 2,800 unvaccinated students in Ontario by March 25 if records aren't updated.
从3月25日起,公共卫生官员已经对Brantford-Brant-Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk的学生发出超过2 800个暂停令,他们的免疫记录不完整。 Public health officials have issued over 2,800 suspension orders for students in Brantford-Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk whose immunization records are incomplete, effective March 25. 此外,还向上加拿大区学校委员会大约3,000个家庭发出了信函,警告如果3月25日前未更新免疫记录,可能会暂停接种。 Additionally, letters have been sent to about 3,000 families in the Upper Canada District School Board, warning of potential suspensions if immunization records are not updated by March 25. 学生可通过提供免疫证明、医疗豁免或良心或宗教信仰声明来避免中止学业。 Students may avoid suspension by providing proof of immunization, a medical exemption, or a statement of conscience or religious belief.