12月,德国的通货膨胀率攀升到2.6%,原因是食品和服务成本上涨。 Germany's inflation rate climbed to 2.6% in December, driven by higher food and service costs.
德国的通货膨胀率在2024年12月上升至2.6%,高于预期的2.4%,这是连续第三次每月增长。 Germany's inflation rate rose to 2.6% in December 2024, higher than the expected 2.4%, marking the third consecutive monthly increase. 2024年的年平均数预计为2.2%。 The annual average for 2024 is projected at 2.2%. 增加的原因是食品价格上涨、服务成本和供应链问题。 The increase is attributed to higher food prices, service costs, and supply chain issues. 尽管有所上升,欧洲中央银行预计将继续计划削减利率,以支持经济。 Despite the rise, the European Central Bank is expected to continue planning for interest rate cuts to support the economy.