德国的通货膨胀率在11月达到2.2%,原因是能源成本增加和供应链问题。 Germany's inflation rate hit 2.2% in November, driven by higher energy costs and supply chain problems.
由于能源价格上涨和供应链问题,德国的通货膨胀率在11月上升到2.2%,是四个月以来最高的。 Germany's inflation rate rose to 2.2% in November, the highest in four months, due to rising energy prices and supply chain issues. 尽管消费价格每月下降0.2%,主要原因是机票和假日价格下降,但不包括粮食和能源的核心通货膨胀率仍然高达3.0%,居高不下。 Despite a 0.2% monthly decrease in consumer prices, primarily due to lower airline ticket and holiday prices, core inflation excluding food and energy stayed high at 3.0%. 消费物价统一指数(HICP)为2.4%。 The harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) stood at 2.4%.