德国的温室气体排放量在2024年创历史低点,但关键部门的进展受到阻碍。 Germany's greenhouse gas emissions hit a historic low in 2024, but progress is hindered in key sectors.
根据Agora Energiewende的研究, 德国的温室气体排放在2024年下降了3%, 达到6.56亿吨的历史最低点。 Germany's greenhouse gas emissions fell 3% in 2024, reaching a historic low of 656 million tonnes, according to a study by Agora Energiewende. 尽管这一下降,由于绿色投资不足,运输和建筑等部门的进展依然缓慢。 Despite this drop, progress remains sluggish in sectors like transport and construction due to inadequate green investments. 工业排放量也略微上升了2%。 Industrial emissions also rose slightly by 2%. 经济和政治不确定因素被认为是家庭和企业推迟投资的原因。 Economic and political uncertainties are cited as reasons for delayed investments by households and businesses.