达赖喇嘛哀悼西藏地震, 地震造成95人死亡,130多人受伤。 The Dalai Lama mourns a Tibet earthquake that killed 95 and injured over 130.
Dalai Lama在西藏发生7.1次巨震,造成至少95人死亡,130多人受伤后,Dalai Lama表示深切悲痛并祈祷。 The Dalai Lama expressed deep sadness and offered prayers following a 7.1-magnitude earthquake in Tibet that killed at least 95 people and injured over 130. 地震在尼泊尔边境附近发生,对房屋和基础设施造成广泛破坏。 The quake, which struck near the Nepal border, caused extensive damage to homes and infrastructure. 目前流亡在印度达拉姆沙拉的西藏精神领袖希望伤者迅速康复。 The Tibetan spiritual leader, currently in exile in Dharamshala, India, wished for a swift recovery for the injured.