在纽约膝盖手术后,89岁的达赖喇嘛返回印度达拉姆沙拉。 89-year-old Dalai Lama returns to Dharamshala, India, after knee surgery in New York.
达赖喇嘛于6月28日在纽约换膝手术后,于6月28日返回印度达拉姆沙拉。 The Dalai Lama has returned to Dharamshala, India, after knee replacement surgery in New York on June 28. 89岁的领导人正在恢复良好,预计在今后6至12个月中将有所改进。 The 89-year-old leader, who is recovering well, is expected to improve over the next six to 12 months. 他自1959年逃离西藏以来,一直住在达拉姆沙拉,仍然是西藏社区的精神领袖,主张自治和文化保护,而不是独立,尽管中国视他为分裂分子。 He has lived in Dharamshala since fleeing Tibet in 1959 and remains the spiritual leader of the Tibetan community, advocating for autonomy and cultural protection, rather than independence, despite China's view of him as a separatist.