第14次达赖喇嘛在纽约锡拉丘兹完成为期六周的膝盖手术康复。 14th Dalai Lama completes 6-week knee surgery recovery in Syracuse, NY.
第14次达赖喇嘛在膝盖手术后在纽约锡拉丘兹完成了为期6周的康复期。 14th Dalai Lama completed a 6-week recovery period in Syracuse, NY after knee surgery. 他得到特殊照顾,并与理疗师合作。 He received exceptional care and worked with physiotherapists. 预计教皇陛下将在今后6-12个月内继续改善,并于8月28日返回印度达拉姆沙拉。 His Holiness is expected to continue improving over the next 6-12 months and return to Dharamshala, India on 28th August. 西藏、莫戈利和喜马拉雅社区在纽约和苏黎世提供长寿祈祷,庆祝他的健康和长寿。 The Tibetan, Mogoli, and Himalayan communities offered long-life prayers in New York and Zurich, celebrating his health and long life.