越南移民在失去经济机会的感觉驱使下,冒着进入联合王国的危险海上过境风险。 Vietnamese migrants risk dangerous sea crossings to UK, driven by feelings of missed economic opportunities.
尽管越南经济迅速增长, 但有创纪录数量的越南移民冒着生命危险乘小船穿越英吉利海峡抵达英国。 Despite Vietnam's rapidly growing economy, a record number of Vietnamese migrants are risking their lives to cross the English Channel in small boats to reach the UK. 造成这一趋势的主要原因是“相对贫困”, 个人觉得尽管经济有所进步, 却失去了机会。 The primary reason behind this trend is "relative deprivation," where individuals feel they are missing out on opportunities, despite economic advancements. 许多移民,如Phuong(Phuong),尽管旅途中存在危险和挑战,但都希望与已在英国的家庭成员团聚。 Many migrants, like Phuong, aim to reunite with family members already in the UK, despite the dangers and challenges of the journey.