路易斯安那州无家可归者营的三起谋杀案凸显了美国无家可归人数不断上升的风险。 Triple murder at Louisiana homeless camp highlights risks amid rising U.S. homelessness.
路易斯安那一个无家可归者营地的三起谋杀案凸显了这种营地的危险。 A triple murder in a Louisiana homeless camp has highlighted the dangers of such encampments. Mindy Ann Robert、Marcey Vincent和Warren Fairley被发现死亡,Noel Marine因杀人被捕。 Mindy Ann Robert, Marcey Vincent, and Warren Fairley were found dead, and Noel Marine was arrested for the killings. 这起事件发生在2024年美国无家可归人口增加18.1%, 原因包括寻求庇护者增加、缺乏负担得起的住房、自然灾害等。 This incident comes amid a 18.1% rise in U.S. homelessness in 2024, due to factors like rising asylum seekers, lack of affordable housing, and natural disasters. 前军官Mark Powell呼吁城市领导人提供住所并解决安全问题。 Former officer Mark Powell calls for city leaders to provide shelters and address safety concerns.