美国无家可归者人数创下历史新高,超过 770,000 人无家可归,比 2023 年增长了 18%。 US homelessness hits record high, with over 770,000 people homeless, an 18% rise from 2023.
2024 年美国无家可归者人数创下历史新高,超过 770,000 人无家可归,比 2023 年增加了 18%。 The number of homeless people in the US hit a record high in 2024, with over 770,000 individuals experiencing homelessness, an 18% increase from 2023. 导致激增的因素包括住房成本飙升、自然灾害和移民涌入。 Factors contributing to the surge include soaring housing costs, natural disasters, and an influx of migrants. 占美国人口 12% 的黑人占无家可归人口的 32%。 Black individuals, who make up 12% of the US population, represented 32% of the homeless population. 拜登政府致力于通过各种住房计划来解决这个问题。 The Biden administration is committed to addressing the issue through various housing initiatives.