在向明尼阿波利斯一个无家可归者营地的三枪射击中,1人死亡,2人受伤;警方搜查了3名嫌疑人。 1 man died, 2 injured in a triple shooting at a Minneapolis homeless encampment; police search for 3 suspects.
在明尼阿波利斯的一个无家可归者营地,星期六早些时候发生了三起枪击事件,造成一人死亡,另外两人受伤。 A triple shooting at a homeless encampment in Minneapolis early Saturday resulted in one man's death and two others injured. 警察在现场发现受害者,正在调查三名徒步逃跑的潜在嫌疑人。 Police found the victims at the scene and are investigating three potential suspects who fled on foot. 动机仍然不明。 The motive remains unclear. 明尼阿波利斯警察局长Brian O'Hara强调了目前对与营地有关的犯罪和吸毒问题的关切,因为这些问题导致该地区的犯罪率上升。 Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O'Hara highlighted ongoing concerns about crime and drug use linked to encampments, which contribute to rising crime rates in the area. 没有逮捕任何人。 No arrests have been made.