Springbrook国家公园引发昆士兰警方调查时发现的疑似人骨。 Suspected human bones found in Springbrook National Park spark Queensland Police investigation.
澳大利亚金海岸附近Springbrook国家公园的一位远足者于周五上午11点35分左右发现疑似人骨。 Suspected human bones were found by a hiker in Springbrook National Park, near the Gold Coast, Australia, on Friday around 11:35 am. 昆士兰警方建立了一个犯罪现场并开始调查,星期六继续搜查。 Queensland Police established a crime scene and began an investigation, with searches continuing on Saturday. Springbrook国家公园以瀑布、雨林和古老的树木闻名, Springbrook National Park, known for its waterfalls, rainforest, and ancient trees, is a popular tourist destination located about an hour west of the Gold Coast.