缅甸的“爱之家”康复中心通过严格的生理和精神常规,帮助200多名吸毒者。 Myanmar's "House of Love" rehab center helps over 200 addicts through rigorous physical and spiritual routines.
在缅甸的“爱之所”康复中心, 超过一百名男子通过严格的日常体育活动, 如举重、空手道操、舞蹈、以及佛教祈祷, 与毒瘾作斗争。 In Myanmar's "House of Love" rehabilitation center, over a hundred men battle addiction through a strict daily routine of physical activities like weightlifting, karate drills, and dancing, along with Buddhist prayers. 该方案今年帮助了205人,其亲属费用在90-230美元之间。 The program, which has helped 205 people this year, costs relatives between $90-$230. 缅甸目前是世界上最大的鸦片生产国,由于2021年的军事政变,面临严重的毒品危机。 Myanmar, now the world's largest opium producer, faces a severe drug crisis exacerbated by the 2021 military coup. 虽然该中心带来了希望,但专家认为它需要包括重返社会和抵制毒品诱惑的培训。 While the center offers hope, experts suggest it needs to include training for societal reintegration and resisting drug temptations.