泰国的DARE帮助因战争和政变而吸毒成瘾的年轻缅甸难民。 90-day UN-funded rehab program DARE in Thailand helps young Myanmar refugees with drug addiction due to war and coup.
泰国的康复方案称为DARE, 正在帮助缅甸年轻难民, 应付内战及2021年军事政变引发的吸毒成瘾, A rehabilitation program in Thailand, called DARE, is aiding young refugees from Myanmar grappling with drug addiction stemming from the civil war and the 2021 military coup. DARE在联合国和其他机构的资助下,提供90天治疗,包括针灸、按摩和瑜伽,称成功率为60%。 Funded by the UN and other agencies, DARE offers a 90-day treatment involving acupuncture, massages, and yoga, claiming a 60% success rate. 目前的冲突加剧了难民营中的毒品供应,特别是甲基安非他明的供应,给流离失所的青年造成了严峻的局势。 The ongoing conflict has exacerbated drug availability, particularly methamphetamine, in refugee camps, creating a dire situation for displaced youth.