19.8公斤海洛因和600 000兴奋剂片,价值670 000美元,在缅甸缉获;两名嫌疑人被捕。 19.8 kg of heroin and 600,000 stimulant tablets worth $670,000 seized in Myanmar; two suspects arrested.
19.8公斤海洛因和60万兴奋剂片,价值约67万美元,被缅甸当局在Sagaing地区缉获。 19.8 kg of heroin and 600,000 stimulant tablets, worth approximately $0.67 million, were seized by Myanmar authorities in the Sagaing region. 根据一则举报,缉毒警察拦截了一辆汽车,逮捕了两名嫌疑人,目前他们正在接受调查,并根据缅甸法律受到指控。 Based on a tip-off, anti-narcotic police intercepted a vehicle and arrested two suspects, who are now under investigation and charged under Myanmar's laws. 这些毒品正从掸邦运往卡莱镇。 The drugs were en route from Shan state to Kale township.