查谟和克什米尔的青年海洛因使用量激增,对康复中心造成压力,并促使采取政治行动。 Youth heroin use surges in Jammu and Kashmir, straining rehabilitation centers and prompting political action.
查谟和克什米尔地区青年使用海洛因的情况正在令人不安地增加,对新政府构成重大挑战。 The Jammu and Kashmir region is experiencing a troubling rise in heroin use among youth, presenting a significant challenge for the new government. 促成因素包括容易进入海洛因和完全占用的康复中心,专家们注意到过去十年吸毒成瘾趋势的转变。 Contributing factors include easy access to heroin and fully occupied rehabilitation centers, with experts noting a shift in addiction trends over the past decade. 各政党认识到毒品危机是一个关键问题,强调需要开展社区合作和有针对性的禁毒努力。 Political parties recognize the drug crisis as a critical issue, emphasizing the need for community cooperation and targeted anti-narcotics efforts.