印度学生指控英国大学有偏见, 错误处理仇恨运动指控。 Indian student accuses UK university of bias, mishandling hate campaign allegations.
英国一所大学的印度学生Satyam Surana指控该校存在偏见待遇, Indian student Satyam Surana at a UK university accuses the institution of biased treatment and mishandling his case involving alleged hate campaigns during student elections. 尽管提供了截图和身份证等证据,但Surana声称他的指控被忽视。 Despite providing evidence like screenshots and IDs, Surana claims his allegations were ignored. 他争辩说,大学受到左倾意识形态的影响,窒息了不同的声音,特别是那些具有印度人身份的声音。 He argues that universities are influenced by left-leaning ideologies, stifling diverse voices, especially those with Hindu identities.