印度最高法院寻求关于大学自杀后索赔中的种姓歧视的数据。 India's Supreme Court seeks data on caste discrimination in universities post-suicide claims.
印度最高法院要求大学赠款委员会(UGC)提供2012年以来大学平等机会单元和种姓歧视投诉的数据,因为据称因种姓偏见而自杀的学生的母亲提出了请愿。 The Supreme Court in India has asked the University Grants Commission (UGC) for data onEqual Opportunity Cells and complaints of caste discrimination in universities since 2012, following a petition by the mothers of students who allegedly committed suicide due to caste bias. 法院旨在评估2012年UGC条例的执行情况,并制订防止教育机构中歧视的方法。 The court aims to assess the implementation of the 2012 UGC regulations and devise ways to prevent discrimination in educational institutions. UGC还正在制定新的反歧视条例。 The UGC is also working on new anti-discrimination regulations.