华府联邦办事处因暴风雪而关闭,允许远程工作或天气休假。 Federal offices in D.C. closed due to a snowstorm, allowing telework or weather leave.
联邦驻华盛顿特区办事处星期一因即将到来的暴风雪而关闭,预计有危险的旅行条件。 Federal offices in Washington D.C. were closed on Monday due to an incoming snowstorm, anticipating hazardous travel conditions. 人事管理办公室宣布关闭,尽可能允许远程工作,并给予非远程工作的雇员天气假。 The Office of Personnel Management announced the closure, allowing telework where possible and granting weather leave to non-telework employees. 除非另有指示,否则紧急人员应报告情况。 Emergency personnel were expected to report unless otherwise instructed. 没有具体降雪数额的报告,但关闭是为了确保雇员的安全。 No specific snowfall amounts were reported, but the closure aimed to ensure employee safety.