70号州际公路靠近科罗拉多州乔治敦市,因大雪、撞车和不安全条件而关闭。 Interstate 70 near Georgetown, Colorado, closed due to heavy snow, crashes, and unsafe conditions.
科罗拉多州乔治敦附近70号州际公路因大雪和不安全驾驶条件被关闭,据报发生多起车祸。 Interstate 70 near Georgetown, Colorado, was closed due to heavy snowfall and unsafe driving conditions, with multiple crashes reported. 西行道被关闭,东行道则在艾森豪威尔隧道附近临时关闭。 The westbound lanes were closed, while eastbound lanes had temporary closures near the Eisenhower Tunnel. 科罗拉多州巡逻队建议驾驶员留在丹佛,并保持因道路流水而导致的缓慢速度。 The Colorado State Patrol advised drivers to stay in Denver and maintain slow speeds due to slushy roads. 美国在Winter Park和Fraser以北40号公路坠毁后也关闭。 U.S. 40 north of Winter Park and Fraser was also closed after a crash. 艾森豪威尔隧道预计会有交通阻塞。 Traffic holds were expected at the Eisenhower Tunnel.