主任通过语言方案促进克罗地亚的中国文化,惠及100 000多人。 Director promotes Chinese culture in Croatia through language programs, reaching over 100,000 people.
萨格勒布大学孔子学院院长Kresimir Jurak正在克罗地亚推广中国文化。 Kresimir Jurak, director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Zagreb, is promoting Chinese culture in Croatia. 自2012年以来,该学院已发展到45个教学地点,并通过语言方案和文化活动向100 000多名克罗地亚人提供服务。 Since 2012, the institute has grown to 45 teaching locations and has reached over 100,000 Croatians through language programs and cultural events. Jurak在中国经验丰富,计划加强数字学习,吸引更多的中国游客到克罗地亚。 Jurak, with extensive experience in China, plans to enhance digital learning and attract more Chinese tourists to Croatia.