中国在克罗地亚开放电影节, 放映11部免费电影以促进文化交流。 China opens film festival in Croatia, screening 11 free movies to foster cultural exchange.
第二个中国电影节在克罗地亚萨格勒布开幕, The Second China Film Festival opened in Zagreb, Croatia, offering 11 Chinese blockbuster films for free until February. 该节由中国电影档案馆和萨格勒布大学孔子研究所举办,旨在加强中国与克罗地亚之间的相互理解和友谊。 Organized by the China Film Archive and the Confucius Institute at the University of Zagreb, the festival aims to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between China and Croatia. 中国大使齐建强调了该节在促进文化交流与对话方面的作用。 Chinese Ambassador Qi Qianjin emphasized the festival's role in promoting cultural exchange and dialogue.