中国电影节在萨格勒布通过免费放映电影展示现代中国文化。 China Film Festival in Zagreb showcases modern Chinese culture through free film screenings.
萨格勒布的中国电影节为克罗地亚观众提供了一个探索现代中国的机会。 The China Film Festival in Zagreb offers Croatian audiences a chance to explore modern China through 11 free screenings of recent Chinese blockbusters. 地方孔子研究所所长Kresimir Jurak旨在展示当代中国文化,包括流行科幻小说和视频游戏。 Kresimir Jurak, director of the local Confucius Institute, aims to showcase contemporary Chinese culture, including popular science fiction and video games. 音乐节持续到二月, 之后将举办推广中文音乐的音乐节。 The festival runs until February and may be followed by a music festival promoting Chinese music.