保加利亚的一个文化节目展示了中国的历史和哲学,促进了双边联系。 A cultural program in Bulgaria showcases Chinese history and philosophy, boosting bilateral ties.
保加利亚于11月7日至29日举办题为“中国的故事——如何和为什么”的文化节目, 旨在增进对中国传统文化的了解, A cultural program titled "The Story of China -- How and Why" was held in Bulgaria from November 7th to 29th, aiming to enhance understanding of traditional Chinese culture and strengthen ties between China and Bulgaria. 11名中国专家领导了哲学、历史、文学和艺术方面的研讨会和讲座,吸引了保加利亚人的极大兴趣,并激发了保加利亚人更深层次的文化理解。 Eleven Chinese experts led seminars and lectures on philosophy, history, literature, and art, attracting significant interest and sparking deeper cultural understanding among Bulgarians. 该方案由中国商务部赞助,由山东对外贸易职业学院举办。 The program was sponsored by China's Ministry of Commerce and organized by Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College.