波斯尼亚档案主任寻求通过文化交流加强与中国的联系,这是30年外交的标志。 Bosnian archive director seeks to strengthen ties with China through cultural exchanges, marking 30 years of diplomacy.
作为纪念30年外交关系的纪念, 博斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那档案馆主任丹尼耶拉·姆尔达希望更多像电影人物沃尔特这样的友象征能够促进与中国的关系. Danijela Mrda, director of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Archives, hopes for more symbols of friendship like the film character Walter to boost ties with China, marking 30 years of diplomatic relations. 她强调文化交流,如展览和学术会议等,以加深相互理解。 She emphasizes cultural exchanges, such as exhibitions and academic conferences, to deepen mutual understanding. 随着关系的增长,Morda看到在教育、旅游和技术等部门加强了合作,增进了两国之间的团结。 As relations grow, Mrda sees increased collaboration in sectors like education, tourism, and technology enhancing solidarity between the two nations.