中国股票交易所承诺进行改革,以便在经济复苏的希望之下吸引外国投资者。 Chinese stock exchanges promise reforms to attract foreign investors amid economic recovery hopes.
中国的上海和深圳证券交易所与外国投资者举行了会晤,承诺改革和开放资本市场。 China's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges held meetings with foreign investors, pledging to reform and open up the capital market. 投资者对中国的经济复苏表示信心,并承诺对高科技制造业和消费电子产品等部门进行更多投资。 Investors expressed confidence in China's economic recovery and promised to invest more in sectors like high-tech manufacturing and consumer electronics. 中国当局采取了支持措施,以便在最近动荡之后稳定股票市场,以期建立一个透明和有复原力的市场。 Chinese authorities have introduced support measures to stabilize the stock market following recent volatility, aiming to build a transparent and resilient market.