中国放宽了外国投资规则,降低了资本要求,减少了股权封存期。 China eases foreign investment rules, lowering capital requirements and reducing share lock-up periods.
中国正在放松对其上市公司外国投资的限制,以进一步开放其资本市场。 China is easing restrictions on foreign investments in its listed companies to open up its capital market further. 外国个人首次可以进行战略投资,资本需求降至5 000万美元和3亿美元。 For the first time, foreign individuals can make strategic investments, with capital requirements lowered to $50 million and $300 million. 所购股票的强制性保管期从三年缩短为12个月。 The mandatory lock-up period for acquired shares has been reduced to 12 months from three years. 预计这些变化将吸引更多的外国资本,提高A股份公司的质量,并增加市场流动性和活力。 These changes are expected to attract more foreign capital, improve the quality of A-share companies, and increase market liquidity and vibrancy.