Biden行政当局放宽了对叙利亚的援助限制,在制裁政府的同时注重人道主义需要。 Biden administration eases aid restrictions to Syria, focusing on humanitarian needs while sanctioning the government.
拜登政府准备放松对向叙利亚提供人道主义援助的限制,允许更快地提供电力和水等基本服务,同时对叙利亚政府实行严格制裁。 The Biden administration is set to ease restrictions on humanitarian aid to Syria, allowing faster delivery of essential services like electricity and water, while maintaining strict sanctions on the Syrian government. 此举旨在改善叙利亚人的生活条件,而不直接援助新的伊斯兰统治者,包括前基地组织成员。 This move aims to improve living conditions for Syrians without directly assisting the new Islamist rulers, including former Al Qaeda affiliates. 财政部将向提供基本用品的援助团体和公司发放豁免,目的是在人道主义支助与叙利亚政权持续承受的压力之间取得平衡。 The Treasury Department will issue waivers to aid groups and companies providing basic supplies, aiming to balance humanitarian support with continued pressure on the Syrian regime.