总统拜登(Biden)欢迎叙利亚阿萨德政权倒台为“正义 ” , 但警告不稳定风险。 President Biden welcomes Syria's Assad regime fall as "justice," but warns of instability risks.
总统拜登(Biden)称叙利亚阿萨德政权倒台是数十年压迫后的“基本正义行为”, President Biden called the fall of Syria's Assad regime a "fundamental act of justice" after decades of oppression, marking a historic opportunity for the country. 然而,他也注意到这一事件带来了风险和不确定性,包括潜在的不稳定和伊斯兰国等团体的重新抬头。 However, he also noted the event brings risks and uncertainties, including potential instability and the resurgence of groups like the Islamic State. 美国将支持区域稳定,没有军事干预。 The U.S. will support regional stability without military intervention.