联合王国的能源使用因效率提高而下降,但价格上涨和对贫困家庭的寒冷天气风险。 UK energy use drops due to efficiency gains, but price hikes and cold weather risk for poor households.
自2019年以来,英国的能源使用量大幅下降,天然气和电力使用量的减少是由于隔热和能源效率提高。 Energy usage in Great Britain has dropped significantly since 2019, with reductions in gas and electricity use attributed to better insulation and energy efficiency. 然而, " 消除燃料贫穷联盟 " 警告说,一些家庭正在将能源使用削减到危险水平,特别是在寒冷天气期间。 However, the End Fuel Poverty Coalition warns that some households are cutting energy use to dangerous levels, especially during cold weather. 能源价格上限将提高1.2%, 政府的温暖家庭计划旨在帮助300,000户家庭进行绝缘和清洁能源升级, 向困难家庭提供150英镑的折扣。 The energy price cap is set to increase by 1.2%, and the government's warm homes plan aims to help 300,000 households with insulation and clean energy upgrades, offering a £150 discount to struggling families.