缅甸军方报告说,人口略有下降,但人口普查覆盖面和计划选举受到批评。 Myanmar's military reports a slight population drop but faces criticism over census coverage and planned elections.
缅甸军政府报告说,人口略有下降,从2014年的5 150万下降到5 130万,原因是自2021年掌权以来冲突持续不断。 Myanmar's military government reports a slight drop in population to 51.3 million, down from 51.5 million in 2014, citing ongoing conflict since seizing power in 2021. 人口普查覆盖全国不到一半的乡镇,显示控制有限。 The census covered less than half of the country's townships, indicating limited control. 预计2025年将提出全面报告。 A full report is expected in 2025. 批评者怀疑定于明年举行的选举是否公正。 Critics doubt the fairness of an upcoming election planned for next year.