印度内政部长建议沿着印度-缅甸边界进行一次人口调查,以加强安全。 India's Home Minister proposes a demographic survey along the India-Myanmar border to boost security.
印度内政大臣阿米特·沙阿(Amit Shah)正在推动印度-缅甸边界进行详细的人口调查,以加强边境安全和防止渗透。 India's Home Minister Amit Shah is pushing for a detailed demographic survey along the India-Myanmar border to enhance border security and prevent infiltration. 调查将涵盖Nagaland、Mizoram和Manipur等州,协助修建1 643公里边界的围栏。 The survey would cover states like Nagaland, Mizoram, and Manipur, aiding in the fencing of the 1,643 km border. Shah还强调东北部的暴力事件和平民死亡人数有所减少,并提到该地区正在进行的发展项目。 Shah also highlighted a decrease in violent incidents and civilian deaths in the northeast, and mentioned ongoing development projects in the region.