泰国向缅甸克伦邦提供人道主义援助,因只惠及军事控制地区而引发批评。 Thailand sends humanitarian aid to Myanmar's Kayin State, sparking criticism for benefiting only areas under military control.
泰国已开始向缅甸提供人道主义援助,首批援助物资已运抵饱受战争蹂躏的缅甸克伦邦。 Thailand has begun sending humanitarian aid to Myanmar, delivering its first batch of aid to the war-torn country's Kayin State. 然而批评者认为,这种援助只会让缅甸军事控制地区的民众受益,导致争议地区数百万流离失所者得不到援助。 Critics argue, however, that this aid will only benefit those in areas under Myanmar's military control, leaving millions of displaced people in contested areas without assistance. 自2021年2月军方推翻民选政府以来,缅甸经历了全国范围的武装冲突,导致数百万人流离失所,并严重影响了经济。 Myanmar has experienced a nationwide armed conflict since the military ousted the elected government in February 2021, displacing millions of people and severely impacting the economy.