Oberon的Highland Pine木材厂发生火灾,30人撤离,涉及30名消防员,可能从窑炉开始。 Fire at Highland Pine timber yard in Oberon evacuates 30, involves 30 firefighters, likely starts in kiln.
在中西部Oberon的Highland Pine木材厂发生火灾,来自新南威尔士州消防救援队和RFS Hartley旅的6辆卡车和约30名消防员丧生。 A fire at Highland Pine timber yard in Oberon, Central West, involved six trucks and about 30 firefighters from NSW Fire and Rescue and RFS Hartley Brigade. 1月5日早上8时30分报道, 烈火在中午前熄灭, Reported at 8:30 a.m. on January 5, the blaze was contained by noon, though smoldering continued. 大约有30人被疏散,一名消防员受轻伤。 Around 30 people were evacuated, and one firefighter sustained minor injuries. 火灾可能是在窑炉干燥器中起的,调查仍在进行中。 The fire likely started in a kiln dryer, with an investigation ongoing.