地震袭击了朝鲜的Ongjin县;在核试验场附近也有类似的震动报道。 Earthquake hits North Korea's Ongjin county; similar tremors reported near nuclear test site.
据韩国气象局报导, 北韩Ongjin县周日清晨发生地震2.2级地震。 A 2.2 magnitude earthquake struck North Korea's Ongjin county early Sunday morning, according to South Korea's weather agency. 这一自然现象是在11月北朝鲜核试验场附近发生类似的地震之后发生的。 This natural occurrence follows a similar earthquake in November near North Korea's nuclear test site. 此外,韩国的维敬县发生2.1级地震,被认为不大可能造成破坏。 Additionally, a 2.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded in South Korea's Uiryeong county, deemed unlikely to cause damage.