南韩钟州附近发生3.1度的地震,没有人员受伤或损坏的报告。 A 3.1-magnitude earthquake struck near Chungju, South Korea, with no reported injuries or damage.
韩国中部城市钟州(Chungju)于星期五上午发生3.1度地震, A 3.1-magnitude earthquake hit South Korea's central city of Chungju on Friday morning, with no reported injuries or damage. 韩国气象局最初报告,在修订之前,其数量高于4.2。 The Korea Meteorological Administration initially reported a higher magnitude of 4.2 before revising it. 地震以钟川北省中州西北22公里处为中心, 促使政府发出四层系统第二高的「警戒」警报。 The quake, centered 22 kilometers northwest of Chungju in North Chungcheong Province, prompted the government to issue a "vigilance" alert, the second-highest on their four-tier system.