康涅狄格州面临严重的住房危机,短缺98 000多套负担得起的住房。 Connecticut faces a severe housing crisis with a shortage of over 98,000 affordable units.
2025年,康涅狄格州的住房危机持续到2025年,其特点是低空缺率、高租金和无家可归人数激增。 Connecticut's housing crisis, marked by low vacancy rates, high rents, and a surge in homelessness, persists into 2025. 维护者声称,国家缺乏98 000多套负担得起的出租单元。 Advocates claim the state lacks over 98,000 affordable rental units. 立法者审议了广泛的政策改革,但选择了适度的解决办法,导致那些要求采取更重大行动的人感到沮丧。 Legislators have considered extensive policy reforms but opted for modest solutions, leading to frustration among those calling for more significant action.